somatic healing therapy

Hello! We're Anne & Steve, somatic guides that help you nurture your natural ability to heal.

While we don’t know your story yet, we understand what it’s like to struggle with health challenges and feel disconnected from our inner selves. And we're here to show you that there's a way forward to unite those worlds. Through our healing journeys and helping many on theirs too, we have learned what the body’s intelligence is remarkably capable of. Combine that with your powerful heart and it's a match made in heaven, leading to your inevitable healing, growth, & inner freedom. It is truly our joy that you found this space.

Here’s our story…

Our energies met in 2004 on the second day of college—both pursuing degrees in architecture—and immediately there was a spark. A soul-mate connection. We’ve been together ever since. After marrying in 2010, we also felt the pull to go into business together.

We owned a wedding photography business that transitioned into commercial photography, navigating the high-paced advertising and design world. We achieved a great level of outward success with it in a short amount of time. But the truth of the matter is, it never felt right in our guts. And our souls felt deeply unfulfilled. During this time, our bodies started speaking to us through seemingly mysterious “symptoms.”

Steve’s experience was a chain of lymph nodes in his neck swollen 5 times their normal size, accompanied by extreme fatigue, pain, and burnout. Anne’s experience was painful cystic acne and an overactive bladder. And anxiety? Check for both of us! Not knowing what to do with our emotions? Check! Needless to say, the experiences took us to a dark place…which, looking back, was very, very purposeful.

Sometimes, you get on a trajectory with your life that you don’t know how to shift. We desperately needed to slow down and reassess everything. Our spirits were feeling disconnected, and we didn’t really know who we were outside of our workaholism.

Luckily, our bodies were reorienting us to “get to know” our deeper selves and desires. Because the truth is, we didn’t like ourselves very much at the time. Feeling to need to prove our worth and please others stemmed from a deep insecurity within ourselves. It was exhausting. Thank god our bodies alerted us to wake up and create a new story. :)

Out of that journey, we learned to heal ourselves. And we loved it. It stirred something deep inside. We felt lit up by passion and enthusiasm. We discovered our purpose—helping others heal, grow, and evolve. To create loving self-relationships that honor and encourage full and free expression.

We studied and practiced all kinds of modalities and systems…but nothing ever felt right for us within them. There were parts of pieces that resonated, but these structures and models felt limiting and boxed in. So we focused on cultivating our intuitions and honing our unique talents. We found our own flavor…guiding our clients into their own innate healing power. Moving them into connection with their body’s natural ability to heal, their vitality, and their spirit’s inherent wholeness.

Through our journeys of healing, awakening, and evolution, we have gotten to know, and deeply appreciate our authentic selves...underneath all the conditioning and artifice. We have moved into a place of embodiment, so that we can hold a potent space of transformation for others.

somatic healing therapy

Our clients express that we exude a warm, relatable, non-judgmental, and authentic aura…helping them open up, feel deeply understood, and experience breakthroughs.

Truth, authenticity, integrity, compassion, and freedom continue to be our compasses in life. We are consistently engaging in embracing, versus bypassing, the full gamut of our humanness while nurturing the divinity within us. We bring our ever-evolving growth, refinement, and insights to the table to best assist our clients. People tell us we have a gift for keenly seeing energy patterns that they can’t…and distilling complex energy patterns into something they can wrap their heads around with ease.

somatic healing therapy

Paired with our intuitive gifts and somatic expertise, we also pull from various sources to support our work including Human Design, The Gene Keys, Astrology, German New Medicine, and metaphysics.

Thanks to technology, we virtually facilitate people worldwide, moving them into synergy with body, mind, emotions, and spirit.

Our name, Wise Within, reflects where the medicine, magic, and opportunities for your fullest expression reside. The core of our process is to center you in the wisdom within you because YOU are the key to your fruitful healing and transformation. It is our honor to help you tap in and activate this wisdom for profound healing and growth.

Ultimately, we do what we do to help people feel at home in their bodies and selves. Bringing people deeply into connection with their full-spectrums, creates more love and connection in the world. It helps people embody the change they wish to see and experience in the world. It creates authenticity, honesty, and openness. It’s magic, and we love it.

Lastly, remember the beginning of our story? Our bodies led us here. Thank god that the wisdom within knew what was possible for us, and what’s possible for you too.

~ Anne & Steve

Our Personal Healing Stories

  • I’m a certified EFT/Tapping Master Practitioner and fluent in the language of the body, but it wasn’t always that way.

    Back in 2011, I was suffering from adult cystic acne, depressed but didn’t know it, and overall stressed the F out. Stressed over my skin, stressed over a job that made me so anxious I was constantly nauseous, and feeling so frustrated and helpless.

    Most days I hid — from the world, from my friends, from my husband (Steve), and most of all from myself. I hid behind makeup and my hair, in darkness, by trying to stay invisible and just getting through the day. And the more I hid, the worse I felt…about my skin, about myself, about distancing myself from Steve, and about my work.

    I knew something had to change. I WANTED something to change; I did not want to keep going like this.

    My goal? Clear skin. My acne was causing so much frustration and self-loathing I knew I needed to start there. I believed if I was happy with my skin it would allow me to be happy about other things too. I began hunting down answers. I’m a get-to-the-root-problem kind of gal. I like to go deep and I prefer natural and alternative healing methods (thanks for introducing me to that, Momma!)

    That’s why I started by getting my copper IUD removed, tried so many detoxes, and even sought out acupuncture and cupping which did help a lot, at first. After a few years of dedication, my skin eventually cleared up and was “normal” for a couple of years. (Normal for me meant mostly clear skin with seemingly random small pimples irregularly, and large cystic flare-ups around my cycle).

    I wasn’t 100% thrilled with my skin at this point, but it was far better than it had been, so I thought I could just live with it like that. Then, what seemed like out-of-the-blue, I started getting cystic acne along my jawline and chin. (“Why is this happening, I thought I was doing everything ‘right’?!”) After months of frustration and my skin continuing to get worse, again, I was desperate for a solution. This time, I decided to try my new-found knowledge of mind-body healing to help solve my acne dilemma, once and for all.

    I couldn’t believe the results! The more I addressed my suppressed emotions and my severe lack of self-esteem, the clearer my skin became! And the real magic — I also noticed my stress and anxiety unwind, my depression cloud lift, and my relationships strengthen.

    Since then, my skin has cleared up and I no longer get the deep cystic acne that lasted for weeks. And when I do get a pimple from time to time, I am far less obsessive about it. When I look in the mirror, I truly see myself and now I can say I fully love the person I see in the reflection. And that’s a HUGE shift from my reality in 2011. Simply put, now I’m able to recognize my acne as my greatest teacher. It was the message I needed and the impetus for my personal transformation. I wish I knew then that my skin was delivering a message from my soul — I had a lot of inner healing to do — and once I was able to acknowledge and address this, my physical body resolved the acne on its own. No medication, no more detoxes, no restrictive diet, no fancy face cleansers, no supplements.

    For me, clear skin isn’t even the best part. The best part is that I’m more confident, I have more freedom in my life, and now I help others heal from the inside out too! Adult cystic acne was my “to-hell-and-back” story; I believe we each have one to share. It was the catalyst for me to get aligned with my soul’s purpose, and now that I have listened to it, I know I’m meant to help others heal. I love helping people investigate and heal their physical symptoms on a deep level. It makes me want to do a high kick and sing from a mountaintop. Because it’s just so freaking incredible! And the results never cease to amaze me…every. single. time.

    Thanks to diving deep and becoming fluent in the mind-body connection, I’ve helped others heal health problems that have challenged them for decades while guiding them to connect with their true self, all while using their own body and abilities. Now THAT is personal empowerment!

    These days instead of hiding, I’m shining my light, I’m showing up, and I’m more connected to my truth than ever. And that feels amazing!

  • A few years ago, I was a burnt-out ball of stress, anxiety, and low self-esteem.

    I owned a “successful” photography business for over 10 years that was bringing in good money, but the further and further I went with it, the more it felt like I was on a runaway train.

    Most days, I was just going through the motions of hitting deadlines, trying to satisfy others’ needs, doubting myself, being bombarded by a constant “not doing enough” internal narrative, and trying not to freak out about all the things that weren’t in my control. I had near-constant anxiety that showed up in all areas of my life, and I was totally out of alignment. I didn’t know what to do (but luckily, my intuition did).

    Then in 2014, I experienced one of the most stressful years of my life. I was consumed by work that drained me, and I experienced a bout of seemingly “random” health issues that culminated in extremely swollen lymph nodes in my neck that were very concerning. And after numerous tests and appointments, I was left with no answers as to why this was happening or what was causing the swelling. I was freaked out, panicked, and stressed-the-f-out. So they suggested I get a biopsy because my doctor was at a loss.

    And that just did not feel right in my gut. So I made a choice then and there. If I couldn’t get answers from my doctors, I would take matters into my own hands. So I made it my full-time job to heal...on top of my other full-time job of running a business.

    I knew that I wanted to heal my lymph nodes naturally, and so I dove in deep trying all kinds of things. I went to an herbalist in Chinatown, drank all kinds of concoctions, took herbs, acupuncture, limited myself to an extremely rigid diet, bought all kinds of supplements, went on a heavy metal detox, tried lymph drainage name it. And for 2 years of healing my physical body, I saw improvement, but I still didn’t see the results I was hoping to achieve.

    That’s when my focus turned inward on my emotional and spiritual health. And once I started to crack open my heart and connect with my soul, there was no going back (and little did I know it would lead me straight to my purpose).

    My lymph nodes completely resolved in a couple of months, I started to free up my anxiety, and I healed myself of loads of baggage that was weighing me down.

    Since then, I deeply studied the mind-body connection and spiritual healing, discovered my love for helping people connect dots with their health, fostered my intuition, and honed my own unique abilities for connecting with energy and the invisible realm. And recognizing and cultivating my unique gifts led me to the calling of my soul – helping others heal.

    And it’s been the most rewarding work of my life. As a somatic healer and spiritual mentor, I’ve successfully healed myself of multiple physical challenges and personal blocks (no medications or supplements needed). And I’ve helped others do it too with amazing results.

    I’ve been down that long, murky road of healing; the confusing, chaotic journey of it all. I now understand that I was destined to go through it – to go through the muck, to break down, to rise up, and pave a new path so that I can illuminate a different way for others!

    For me, the best part is getting to witness the freedom that this work unlocks for people – they feel good and they feel connected. It never ceases to amaze me the steps that lead me to where I am today. And now, I have the joy and honor to guide people on a clear path to lasting healing.

    I have spent the last 7+ years in this lifetime honing my energy and emotional intelligence, engaging in radical personal responsibility, nurturing my intuition and unique healing abilities, and mastering the language of the mind-body to bring that into my craft of helping others heal, shift, and elevate beyond what they thought possible.

    How does it get any better than that?

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